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car key locksmith

Transponder Key Locksmith

Dundalk MD


Transponder Key Locksmith Dundalk MD

Should have a need for an auto key transponder, call Car Key Locksmith Dundalk, an authority in keyless auto security needs. We are open for business 24 hours a day, 7 days a week ready to serve you even in the small hours on the night. The convenience that we offer our customers in being open around the clock is valuable because no matter what time we are there for you. We know that automotive failure can happen any time that is why we are ready and available when you need us. It is evident that auto transponder issues are becoming common because many more cars have them and since these gadgets are always exposed to the elements they can get damaged.

transponder key programing
special offers
auto ignition key

Auto Key Transponder

Cars are now equipped with advanced technology to offer security, but if this technology misfires, you cannot get your engine started let alone drive your car. Take heart though because we are specialists in this sort or repair and will take care of it when needed. Our technicians are mobile and can answer the call of duty by driving where you need even if it is at home, office or on the roadside.

Transponder Chip Programming

Our car transponder key prices are also rather competitive and affordable for most people especially those who don't have time or money to go to their dealerships which offer comparable services but for more money. They also keep you waiting for services unlike us who provide you what you need in a timely fashion. Whether you need a transponder key copy or repair, call us so that you can experience our winning customer service.

car transponder key

Our Service location

car key locksmith

Merritt Locksmith Dundalk

712 Merritt Boulevard A 70

Dundalk, MD 21222

(443) 304-7948


Monday-Friday: 7:00AM-6:00PM

Saturday-Sunday: 8:00AM-5:00PM